Idea of the Day
While editing my recipe of the day for my Butternut Squash Risotto, I had actually 2 ideas that came from this recipe. When you are using a large squash, you can either cube and freeze what you do not use, but another idea is if you have a baby, or even an older adult that you are taking care of, you can run the steamed squash thru a baby food mill. Very easy, freeze small portions in small plastic (safe) ware, for later use!
My second idea is about the actual preparing the squash. Butternut squash are kind of awkward to handle. These simple tips can make it a little easier.
There are several schools of thought in handling a BNS. (Butternut Squash). First, I like to cut the neck off the round body. Then, cut the body in half and scoop out the seeds. Next either you can cut the neck in half as well, use a peeler and peel the hard skin away, or to make it even easier, you can roast the squash unpeeled in a shallow pan of water, until it is somewhat golden brown for more flavor. Then simply cube the flesh and remove. If you cube the squash raw, please be very careful! It is very easy to cut yourself! Video to come soon!
You can find these mills online very reasonable priced! If you enjoyed my blog today, please click on the baby food mills for more information!