Sunday 26 August 2012

Red Chili Sauce

Red Chile Sauce

1 Bag dried red chile pods
Clean and remove stems and seeds before soaking
Large Pot for cooking
Soak Chile Pods overnight in large stock pot
In the morning when everyone has left the house, begin simmering the chile pods.
Simmer for at least 1-2 hours adding water as necessary

Remove from heat let cool

Begin adding pods to the blender, blend until smooth. Pour mixture through fine mesh sieve. With the back of a wooden spoon push the chili through the sieve to remove fine skin pieces. Continue this process with all the the mixture. It is messy and takes some time, but it is very therapeutic so hang in there! This mixture you can use for the pumpkin red chili bread. 

If you want to freeze just place in ziploc bags, lay flat and freeze. When ready to use for enchiladas,
add salt, garlic sugar and lemon to taste. Say for 1 cup of sauce, add 1-2 cloves of garlic, 2 T lemon juice, 1t salt, 1-2 t sugar. Adjust to your personal taste!!!

This is time consuming, but very worth it, both in expense, flavor and nutrition, knowing that there are no chemicals in your sauce. 

1 Jar of Red chile sauce is about 7-8 dollars. You can purchase a large bag of red chili for under 20 dollars and make at least 20-30 ziploc bags of sauce. 1 quart bag = 1.5 jars of sauce. You do the math!

This is a vegan recipe!

Please click on the food strainer at right for some great information on useful kitchen gadgets!!!!

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